Wednesday 18 October 2017

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

This book is the fourth in Douglas Adams's cult classic trilogy (of which there are five parts) sci-fi comedy adventure. In this instalment, Arthur Dent winds up somehow back on Earth, where he meets a young woman called Fenchurch (who turns out to be the person who worked out the meaning of life shortly before being destroyed by the Vogons - or at least, this happened on the previous iteration of Earth). Most of the book is a not-so-sci-fi pretty standard issue English comedy love story between Arthur and Fenchurch, as they try flying together, meet a rain god, win a raffle, and go in search of a madman (Wonko the Sane) who claims to know what happened to all the dolphins (who, I hasten to add, all disappeared - the title is their last message to humanity), before Ford Prefect rocks up in the last chapter with a giant space robot, shoplifts a load of films he'd never got round to finishing before Earth got blown up last time round, and the three of them go in search of God's final message to his creation, which is a tad anticlimactic, although the actual scene is very touching and has Marvin in it.

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