Monday 9 April 2018

Liberating Life: Women's Revolution

This book is the first that I've reread since already having read it originally since January 2014 and thus done a blogpost about, and therefore now has two blogposts about it - for some degree of non-replication-efforts the link there just leads to my previous post about it. I recommended it as the reading for the New Roots Radical Library's reading group, which if you're a Sheffield-based lefty looking to self-educate further among friendly conversational local peers I cannot recommend highly enough, but perhaps underestimated how much readers of this would have to sort of understand Kurdish sociocultural and geopolitical context in order to the points to fully stick. As such, I found myself somewhat awkwardly in a sort of seminar-facilitator role to the discussion (and as the reading group is meant to be a non-hierarchical open knowledge-sharing space rather than didactic learning, this both was and wasn't problematic).

Readers may have heard of Anna Campbell, who was killed by Turkish forces earlier this year fighting in solidarity alongside the YPJ in Afrin; she used to study at Sheffield and volunteered at New Roots, so this discussion in its up-to-date context was quite close to home for those who knew her, but also a deeper surge for the prompting of anyone who in these turbulent times we live in sides with freedom and justice, feminism, socialism and ecological consciousness - if she believed in these ideals enough to die for them, the least we can do from our deskchairs is openly support them. Please donate!

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