Wednesday 27 November 2019

Thief of Time

This book is the twenty-sixth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, and stands as one of my favourites from the whole series that I've thus far eaten. [sorry, read.] It follows a tight ensemble of characters magical, mystical, temporally-abnormal, immortal, disco-ordinated by the shocking revelations of how tasty chocolate is, and/or even relatively normal and just disgruntled by all the weird goings on - even though 'normal' goings-on in the Monastery of Time* is a bit of a stretch. Anyway, no time to give purported summaries of a story that
1. I don't wanna spoil
2. is so fkin weird I don't think I could
3. will make you laugh so much you won't care

* Basically it's a timeless haven in/atop a mountain where Monks live whose duty it is to pump time from places/times where it's less needed to places/times where it's more. Yeh - fair warning, if you're not a fan of Steven Moffat's legacy, this isn't the Discworld novel to get you started. Lots of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey & blink-or-you'll-miss-it infodots

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