Wednesday, 9 January 2019


This book by Vaughan Roberts is, I say, trying not to despair, probably the first (and probably often only) thing most Christians will ever read about the complex and sensitive field of gender fluidity. While in terms of overall theological orthodoxy, I don't yet feel I could articulate much of an alternative perspective to his general points (and in terms of my general views on gender I'm not sure I'd need to), but there are* psychological, social and ethical points in which he seems to think a blunt sense of evangelical conformism to traditional binary gender norms overrides any/all complexities in relating to people who sit outside of this - evidenced by his platitudinous use of simplistic bible interpretation to sidestep genuine scientific ambiguities or questions around authenticity and identity or even feminist conceptions of justice. Of course, it's unrealistic to think a writer could do a top-drawer job in a 75-page A6-size book, which is part of the problem. He has not only hugely oversimplified the issues, but done so from an ideological standpoint which draws more on the patriarchal whinges calling themselves the Christian front in the culture war than it does on prophetically challenging people to properly engage with the issues (or - not to mention - the people implicated). As a devout Christian who has been wrestling with the decision whether or not to come out as non-binary for a while now** and looking for helpful faith-oriented literature to help me navigate, this book was profoundly less than useful or encouraging. That said, I know what the gender-argument landscape is like in evangelical Christian circles all too well at the moment, and so I can still probably say that this book might be a good starting point for people new to the issue who want to find out more - though I would also rather insistently add, don't stop here.***

* Lots of these. To the point where they largely underpin many of his core arguments and so isolating particular things to say 'well this is wrong because X' would not be plausible without a comprehensive intellectual dissection of his book, which I fully can't be arsed to give it.

** As to do so would fundamentally disrupt my relationship with my home church, and may be perceived by many I know as less to do with myself than being a 'screw you' to the form of Christianity I've grown up in as well as those involved in that community. I feel kind of safe enough saying this on here because nobody reads this blog.

*** [edit - June] I've just read this. Kind of comes from the opposite end of orthodoxy. I feel a lot more affirmed and based on a number of other factors have made the decision to come out at some point. Don't know how this will go. But anyway, if you read this, read that too. And then keep looking into it because nobody but God has all the good answers.

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