Thursday 7 March 2019

the Art of War

This ancient Chinese text by Sun Tzu has, purportedly, been high-ranking among the most influential books in the history of military, political, cultural, corporate, &etc kinds of strategically-navigated arenas of conflict for like, ever. However upon reading I found for my own taste a surprising amount of it is ridiculously practical pointers on logistics and supply lines, a furtherly surprising amount quasi-mystical poetic ruminations on various types of ground; on the whole though, there is depth & subtlety in every [stanza?] of it - and it's all online for free anyway, so in the spirit of a decisive tactician I am going to withhold sharing precise information from my own perspective so that others are forced to send spies out for themselves - only for your camp to find itself under my cunning ambush. You never expected that, did you?

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