Saturday 19 September 2020

Spider-Man: Full Circle

This book is a collaborative work by seven different writers as a celebration of the iconic character's 80th birthday since Spidey's inception by the late great Stan Lee - and to tell you the flat-up truth, I'm really not sure what happens in this comic at all, despite just having read the thing twice. It's a helter-skelter ride of apocalyptic fervour-dream wish-wash madness with werewolves and time travel and a fully circular plot and some kind of magical pixie escape clause or something or maybe Peter Parker's just hallucinating the whole thing while stranded dying in space... I don't know. It was very entertaining though, and there's also a really fun little appendix where the writers and editorial team are chatting about how to make the ending work along with the beginning (oh, should note, when the writers were working on this they knew what had just happened but not where the overall story was going or who'd be passing them, or taking, their plot relay torches at each step); shed some neat lights over the collective process of pulling off a story as crazy in content and methodological form as this one. 8/10 overall, might be higher on a further reading in the future, though also I found myself digging into the Omegaverse lore after being prompted into such a curiosity by this comic - and boy, lemme tell you, that's one rabbit-hole you don't want or need to find the bottom of. You've been warned. By a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman [not me].

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