Friday, 8 April 2022


This book is Dan Abnett's sequel to Pariah, which started off telling us Alizebeth Bequin's story. I had my heart in my throat most of the way through this book. Events that had started off as a bit of a mystery-spiral in the prior instalment explode into horrifying, cosmos-defining moments of warp-derived fuckery, bureaucratic Imperial nonsense, Inquisitorial rigour, absolute evil, and amid all of it a confused young woman trying to stay alive. I mean, if you're already a 40k fan, not only am I sure you will absolutely love this, but I would actually genuinely recommend NOT reading it until Dan finishes writing the third book in the trilogy so you can binge it all at once, as I am itching at the thought of how long I will have to wait to find out what happens next.

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