Wednesday 15 April 2020

Dungeons & Dragons: Player's Handbook

This book (available online as pdf in many places, if that link doesn't work any more give it a google as good grief don't Wizards of the Coast charge a lot for the real deals) should, I hope, be pretty self-explanatory. It's one of three core rulebooks for the fifth edition of an outrageously effective Satanist sociocultural plot than works through the indoctrination of children, and vulnerably nerdy adults, through emulation of what some may consider "fun". I jest. I'm the Dungeon Master for our campaign, so I need to get into the habit of telling casual lies. No! Stories! Anyway, if you've never had your pickle tickled or boat floated by D&D-etc then I'm hardly going to convince you here, so go away and find some better more entertaining means of getting an introduction if you want one.

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