Sunday 18 October 2020

The Magos

This book is the fourth instalment in the epic sci-fi thriller Eisenhorn series by Dan Abnett - as well as the newest novel in the series, this includes eight or so short stories that flesh out the world and side characters to our eponymous Inquisitor quite brilliantly. As ever with Abnett's writing, the pacing is punchy and gripping, the horror element pitch-perfect (you can hear the warp itself screaming with glee at some of the sentences herein) and for my money I think in terms of dialogue the characterisation has never been better. It helps having Gregor as a third-person figure rather than the narrator as in the first three books - not that his narrations wasn't great, but having him as more of an outside figure to the readers helps maintain his elementary mystique that makes for such a killer read. Don't read this without also having read all of the first two trilogies... Though that said, maybe stay away even if you have. Warp taint, innit.

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