Thursday 31 October 2019

Sign my Citalopram

This book is a collection of conversational poems by Hannah Chutzpah produced by The Spirit of the Rainbow Heron, a Sheffield-based mental health advocacy group. I really enjoyed this book, it being one of those rare cases of poetry collections that are generous enough to play down the literary subtleties and so make a less intellectually taxing read, but that utterly drip with authenticity, relatable quirks, and character - I teared up at a few and laughed out loud at a few others, and it's really not often a poet will make me do both in the same book. Dealing with themes of self-confidence, power and permissiveness, the narratives in this collection are drawn brilliantly and slice neat wedges of psychological & sociological insights into social interactions and the mental health implications bubbling along under the surfaces of these; overall the book makes for an extremely life-affirming read and did to me the best which anyone can hope their poetry does for anyone else - making them feel less alonely odd in the world, giving them true things to latch onto that are far from unattainable by helping unlock them in the reader themself. Not to say humour or art or attitude alone can cure any mental ailments, but if you're a sufferer and you've never tried to read your way out into some happier less turbulent places, give it a go - you'd be surprised.

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