Tuesday 12 May 2020

Poetic Diction

This book by Owen Barfield (see this about his Christological work expanded upon); and it is immediately up there with my top twelve books of all time for sheer nonfictional grandeur of scope, efficacy and implication.
   It's a study in meaning, which is pretty complicated from the off - but I reckon with a bit of effort getting into his philological boots and throwing your imaginary Poeting Hat into the air a few times so you can really practice catching it on the way back down - this book does for poetry what the Necronomicon presumably does for necromancers. I don't touch that stuff personally. Or this for vegans. You get my gist? I hope you do, because I think I've got Owen's but it's hard to tell, because he will just lump a Latin or Greek or French or Aramaic quote at you like "OOF" with no subtitle translation. Editors take note.
   But still, I feel loath to even write a blogpost about it in case my fellow poets read it and surpass me in my dark powers of understanding. Jokes. Great book.

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