Tuesday 25 August 2020

I am Number Four

This book by Pittacus Lore is the first in the Lorien Legacies series, which if I'm flat out honest I have no plans to read any more of as I really wasn't that impressed with the writing style, or the characters, or the plot, or the worldbuilding... I'm not out on a rant I just feel like the whole thing was on the verge of obscenely derivative of a billion well-worn fantasy adventure YA tropes, and didn't make the best use of them even. My favourite character was his dog, because it seemed to be the only one responding properly to the silliness of the book's internal tone problem. But I mean seriously, what with Netflix churning out content like The Old Guard or Umbrella Academy stories like this are going to have to really up their game in the next few years to not be completely left behind by the inter-canonical meta-lore governing story production conspirators, whoever they be. I borrowed it off my now-18 year old brother so will just be dumping it back at the main Stovell house whenever. Thanks Ryan, I'll get you a better book for Christmas.

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