Saturday 1 August 2020

the Diary of a Killer Cat

This book by Anne Fine (and illustrated excellently by Steve Cox) is a poignant, on-the-nose assessment of ways in which we misunderstand or misinterpret the kindnesses or otherwise our pet cats bestow upon us. Now, as an arguably OTT cat-empath who sees a lot of myself reflected in the being of cats (see also Waldron's Ginger), I found this bright eyed six-day seven-chapter Whodunnit tale extremely entertaining, and this would be an optimal Good Bedtime Week's-worth of Reading to Cat AND dog children* as some kind of litmus test for any pet-getting considerations. I enjoyed it, in any case.

* All other pets, rabbits and rats and such, forbid you introduce them to the flesh of these pages. For it is, this book, only truly for cat-lovers, and lovers of cats alone. Which, and I know this is weird, but even the author isn't.

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