Sunday 8 November 2020

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

This book is another* of the recommended reads for new Dungeon Masters and their ilk. The eponymous Xanathar is a beholder** who is generally disparaging of humanoids and as such the information laid out here - which is ample, and of a most generous help to the discerning Dungeon Master in their trials and work - is accompanied by misanthropic comments and snide little "ooh look at you lot all being magical and whatnot" type comments, which I found amusing, and they don't really detract from the main content at all. Not one of the core books but a viable case could be made that it should be just to have all bases properly covered.

* That link should bring you to a web page wherein you can access and download pretty much all the main books from Fifth edition. If it doesn't work cut it down to just the initial web address and hunt through the clicky lists for the resource you want.

** And if you don't know what one of them is, you should read the D&D lore books as I am.

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