Friday 1 January 2021

2020 overview

Another year gone - another 95 books read (one of which I wrote myself, so whether I "read" it is a point of debate, because I certainly have, but not in order and more just while it was going along), which is by far my record, beating 2017 (which was my dissertation year and everything) by over twenty - and thus, another yearly recap post (see here for last year's). Admittedly a significant number of those read this past year were very short children's books, but I've got a solid number of challenging books under my belt too. Covid aside this has been a much less dramatic year for me than the last few have, so I don't have too much autobiographical plonkage to spew at you here, so I'll refrain from giving any and just get straight to the meat of the post.

   As for my intentions to try to read less by white males and more by women, people of colour and the queer community (don't @ me for missing out your favourite minority, I can't list everyone), I think I'm doing better than I have in previous years, but the sad fact remains that most of the books I own are by white dudes, and I'm not going to not read them just because of that sad fact. In any case, the effort continues.

   That's it from me folks - happy New Year and may 2021 bring you many blessings.

   Peace & love

   Isaac Stovell

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